Hey there, friends! I hope your day and your week are going wonderfully. Today, I’m excited to dive into a topic that I think will be both positive and uplifting for all of us. I often get asked how I stay inspired, especially as a busy mom, and I think it’s an important question that deserves a bit of reflection. So, let’s talk about it!
Motivation vs. Inspiration
The word “motivation” gets thrown around a lot, doesn’t it? We say things like, “I’m just not motivated to clean right now,” or “I’m not motivated to work out.” I get it—I’ve been there. It can be easy to fall into thinking that motivation is the key to getting things done. However, I prefer to shift my mindset toward something more lasting: inspiration. Motivation can come and go, but inspiration often creates a deeper, more sustainable drive. So, let’s explore how we can tap into that inspiration and keep it alive!

The Challenge of Staying Inspired
It’s completely natural to have moments where we feel uninspired. We all go through seasons where it feels hard to stay on track. I often think about the seasons of the Church—Advent, Lent, and the ongoing call to conversion. It’s hard to stay vigilant and focused on Christ’s return all the time. Similarly, it can be tough to stay energized and motivated in everyday life, especially during the colder months when the holidays are behind us and the hustle slows down.
During this time of year, I see many moms falling into a funk. It’s cold, it’s bleak, and if you’re the one who made the magic happen for your family during the holidays, you might be feeling a little worn out. But don’t worry, we got this!
Stay Inspired: Simple Steps
Here are a few simple steps that I personally turn to when I need to get back on track:
1. Visualize Your Big Picture
Start by thinking about what you’re really after in life. It’s easy to get lost in the details and daily tasks, but what is your overall vision? At the start of each year, I like to focus on my bigger goals—what do I want my life to look like? Whether it’s about being a peaceful mom, a fit mom, or a joyful wife, having a vision in mind helps me make daily choices that align with that.

For example, if your goal is to be a more energetic and healthy mom, ask yourself what that looks like. Does it mean you have more energy to play with your kids? Does it mean reducing your reliance on caffeine and sugar? When we have that vision, we can start making choices that reflect it, like choosing healthier snacks or finding ways to move our bodies more.
2. Make Choices That Align With Your Goals
Once you have that vision, the next step is to make choices that align with it. For example, today I took my 3-year-old son on a little solo date to Tim Hortons. I was hungry, but I didn’t have the protein bar I had originally packed because my husband and I happened to switch bags earlier that day. In that moment, I had to choose—wait until I got home when I’d be starving and probably eat the first thing I saw. Or choose the healthiest option I had now, the egg breakfast sandwich. Life happens, and sometimes you just have to roll with it!
3. Limit Time on Social Media
I know this is a tough one, especially when social media is such a big part of our lives. But here’s the thing—spending too much time on social media can drain our energy. It’s easy to get caught up in the comparison trap or feel overwhelmed by what others are doing. Instead, I’ve found that limiting my time on my phone, especially on social media, helps me stay more focused and inspired.
4. Turn to Resources That Inspire You
When I’m feeling stuck or uninspired, I turn to the following resources that help get me back on track. I’d love to hear from you as well—what do you turn to when you need inspiration?
Parenting Inspiration:
- I love Dr. Meg Meeker’s books, especially Strong Mothers, Strong Sons. She offers practical advice for raising healthy, confident children (with Catholic principles in mind too!).
- Sarah Mackenzie’s Teaching from Rest transformed my perspective on homeschooling and parenting. It reaffirmed that it’s okay if you don’t get to everything, what’s important is your relationship with your kids and giving them the tools to achieve greatness.
- Sally Clarkson’s books, like The Mission of Motherhood, have inspired me in my motherhood journey. She has a practical, almost gentle Grandma-like approach to supporting moms.
Homemaking Inspiration:
- Pine and Prospect Home is great for fun decorating ideas for your home. She’s very thrifty and DIY. I also feel like Andrea is a kindred spirit because she has four boys too, so it’s like, she gets it.
- Of course The Magnolia Journal is one of my absolute favorites! I’m always tempted to buy it off the end caps at stores, but that impulse buy adds up! So I asked my husband to gift me the subscription, and *Spoiler Alert* —you can get an entire year of issues for like $20.00 or something crazy like that!
Fitness and Nutrition Inspiration:
- The Chasing Excellence podcast by Ben Bergeron and Patrick Cummings is one of my favorite resources for fitness and health. It focuses on making sustainable, healthy choices in all areas of life.
- Dr. Gabrielle Lyon’s book Forever Strong is a really good one too. I used to listen to her podcast all the time!
- If you want some extra fitness motivation, I recommend checking out Mind Pump—they have great discussions, but disclaimer, they can be vulgar at times. Although, I feel like it’s gotten a lot better since they started having kids.

Spiritual Inspiration:
- For spiritual inspiration, I often listen to the Poco a Poco podcast or dive into studies like Women of the Bible.
- I also love the Abiding Together podcast, which provides a community for spending time with God.
5. Take Action, Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
This might seem obvious, but sometimes we just have to act, even when we’re not feeling inspired. I often remind myself, “You don’t have to be motivated to do this, just do it.” Whether it’s a workout or a task at home, taking small actions adds up and creates momentum, even if you don’t feel like it at first.
Staying inspired doesn’t have to be a constant struggle. With the right mindset, resources, and a little bit of effort, you can stay motivated and live in alignment with your goals.
What helps you stay motivated and inspired as a mom? Share your thoughts below!