fat-loss fat-burning lose-fat


Hey there, friends! I hope you’re doing well today. As you can tell from the title, we’re diving into fat loss—more specifically, how to lose fat effectively. I know many of you are probably thinking, “Where do I even begin?” Trust me, I get it. It can feel overwhelming at first. Often, we want to jump into everything at once, but that’s usually where things fall off the wagon.

Today, I want to help you ease into it. The best approach is to start with one thing at a time. I know the temptation to dive in headfirst is strong, but from 15 years of experience, I can tell you that’s when people tend to fall off the wagon. A more sustainable approach is to gradually build habits that you can maintain over time.

It’s totally normal to gain a little weight during the winter months, and it can be tricky to shed that weight in the spring too. A lot of us are naturally more sedentary in the colder months, and our lifestyle doesn’t help either. With the convenience of grocery delivery and sedentary activities becoming more common, it’s no wonder we find it hard to stay active and keep our fat loss goals on track.

So if you find yourself struggling with seasonal weight gain or feeling frustrated about being in a bit of a cycle of weight up and down, take a deep breath—it’s totally okay. Let’s break it down into manageable steps, and trust me, you can absolutely do this. Here’s how to start:

Step 1: Up Your Protein Intake for fat loss


A simple but effective tip: Increase your protein intake. I recommend aiming for 100 grams of protein a day, or about one gram per pound of your ideal body weight. This might sound like a lot if you’re new to the idea, but in the world of fitness and fat loss, this is actually on the conservative side. For most people, this means we won’t have to rely on supplements, and we can get the protein we need from real foods.

Eating more protein helps with satiety—meaning you’ll feel fuller for longer, which can keep you from snacking mindlessly. Plus, protein takes longer to digest, helping keep hunger at bay. If you’re wondering how to fit in 100 grams of protein, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered with plenty of protein-packed recipes and other tips on my podcast and email list. Check it out!

Step 2: Increase Your Steps to Help Fat Loss

If you’re already hitting 10,000 steps a day, awesome! But if you’re not quite there, it’s time to start increasing your daily steps. Let’s be realistic here—start with where you are. If you’re getting around 3,000 steps, aim for 5,000, then work your way up to 7,000–8,000 over time. It’s all about gradual improvement. Remember: Don’t let perfect be your enemy. 10,000 steps is a general goal, but research says even 8,000 steps can have a huge impact on your overall health and fat loss progress. 

So, start small, celebrate the wins, and keep moving forward!

Step 3: Strength Train Regularly for better fat loss

Strength training should be a regular part of your routine—aim for at least three times a week. If you’re already doing some weight training, now is the time to ramp it up a little. This doesn’t mean you need to go crazy with high-intensity workouts like burpees. Instead, focus on increasing your weight or reps to push your body just a little more.

Why strength training? Because muscle burns fat—even at rest. That means you’re burning calories all the time, not just when you’re working out. After 30, we start losing muscle mass, and strength training is the best way to combat that and keep your metabolism fired up. So, if you’re not strength training yet, now’s the time to start!

Step 4: Replace Processed Foods with High-Volume, Nutrient-Dense Foods


A great way to support fat loss is by replacing highly processed foods with more whole, nutrient-dense foods. For example, let’s say you’re choosing a fast food breakfast sandwich that’s 500 calories but leaves you feeling hungry shortly after. Compare that to a homemade salad or soup with protein, healthy fats, and plenty of vegetables—same calorie count, but you’ll  feel fuller for much longer. 

This approach helps you stay full and satisfied with fewer calories, which is a big win for fat loss. Pro Tip Here: Add a side salad or soup with every meal. You’ll get tons of nutrients without a ton of extra calories, and that volume can really help you manage hunger and cravings.

Step 5: Prioritize Sleep—Wake Up Earlier, Go to Bed Earlier

This last tip is one that often gets the most pushback, but it’s essential for fat loss: get enough sleep. I know how challenging it can be, especially for moms who find themselves staying up late to finish tasks or enjoy a little quiet time. But starting your day earlier and going to bed earlier can make a huge difference.

When you wake up early, you set yourself up for a productive, healthy day. Think about it—early mornings are a great time to work out, meal prep, pray, or focus on things that set a positive tone for the rest of the day. On the other hand, late nights tend to lead to unproductive habits like snacking, binge-watching shows, and online shopping and scrolling.

The key here is not perfection—just aim to gradually adjust your sleep schedule by 30 minutes at a time until you’re more in the 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. or 5:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. zone. Trust me, prioritizing your sleep will help with fat loss, your overall health, and your energy levels.

Getting Started With your fat loss journey


These are just five simple steps to start your fat loss journey. I recommend focusing on one habit each week—starting with protein intake in week one, then adding a new tip in each following week. By the end of five(ish) weeks, you’ll have established some sustainable, fat-burning habits that will set you up for long-term success.

Remember: Fat loss doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming. Start small, stay consistent, and before you know it, you’ll be feeling stronger, healthier, and more energized.

For more personalized guidance, consider joining my 8-Week Fat Loss Program, where we break things down even further, addressing all the nuances and creating a plan that’s tailored to your specific needs.

Wishing you all the best in your journey!

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